Title – The Empty City
Dimensions – 1920 x 1080 (in px) (width, height)
Medium – Digital Rendering
Date – 2021
A fictional postcard is printed on plexiglas. It takes 450 years to biodegrade, it is made with the intention to be found. It frames a memory, or a daydream. Maybe both. Costume worn and created by the Artist: a jacket shaped as a corset, a 3D printed chain and monocle. Landscape from Google Maps, coordinates at the bottom. Rotterdam 2020
Title – The Empty City
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium –Print
Date – January 2021
Title – The Empty City
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium –Print
Date – January 2021
Title – The Empty City
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium –Print
Date – January 2021
As part of my academic program, my class had to imagine a Future Ruin for the Honors Minor. Something that will be found in the future, made with the intention for it to be found. I created a fictional postcard, that frames a daydream of mine. In a time were I felt an overload of external stimuli, I used the process to recreate this picture outside of my head as a way to gain back control over my time. I was able to recreate the picture but not as I imagined it in the first place. The pushing deadlines did not allow for the exact execution and I used this observation to narrate a story on the back of my postcard.Production for production's sake is not my forte and I twisted the assignment ironically, by printing on an unsustainable material a memory that is not one, for a fictional future generation.
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