Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Ancient Jewish ring used during marriage ceremonies, acquired by a third and gifted to the artist. The reasons behind the decision for such a piece are still unknown, due to an abrupt interruption of contacts. The ring case is shaped as an house, with the roof opening up to find the two spouses. The foundation recite "With this ring, you are made holy to me.". The original figurines were a later addition, probably dating back to the 80s. New figurines were implemented under the guidance of Julia Bocanet, a jeweler based in Amsterdam. I do not feel comfortable wearing such a piece, I want to frame it for others to see and think of who they want their house to be inhabited by.
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Title – Small In My Hands
Dimensions – 100 x 200 x 400 (in mm) (height, width, depth)
Medium – Jewellery
Date – January 2021
Forever trapped in a house with this somebody made me shiver. By studying the tradition behind such rings, I got told that they are usually used during ceremonies and then put away in a drawer. Due to my personal experience with the person behind the gift, the more I studied it and the more it became eerie. Said relationship had always involved striking gifts that were supposed to be flaunted outside, but they were always either too striking or inappropriate from a cultural standpoint. I stacked them up in my drawers. This was the last one, or at least I hope. I wanted to break the circle by implementing new figurines in the case, taking on the approach from its previous inhabitants. A promise ring frames a promise I made to myself. To be in contact with my inner child and have my rationality accompany me, not ever preventing me again from action.
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